About Us
Society meetings are held on the first Friday of each month (except August) at 7:30pm. Note that due to New Year and Easter sometimes, the January meeting is held later in the month and the April meeting maybe held on the last Friday of March. Please see Meeting and Events page for details!
The venue is
The South Downs Planetarium at the Chichester High School. Chichester, West Sussex  PO19 8AE
We always welcome new members, please feel free to come along  and introduce yourself there is no obligation to join and see what the society all about! (The Planetarium is wheelchair/access friendly).
3 Deeside Avenue
West Sussex
PO19 3QF
Tel +44(0)7776302839
email southdownsas@outlook.com

South Downs Astronomical Society is a registered Charity No. 273716

Registered office is
3 Deeside Avenue
West Sussex
PO19 3QF
Trustees R Burgess D Sammons, Dr &  J.W. MASON
How to find us
Map in PDF

For those in the Chichester, West Sussex and surrounding areas, South Downs Astronomical Society (SDAS) is a friendly and informal way of meeting others with similar interests and of learning more about the science and fun of astronomy.

From this enthusiasm has also evolved the South Downs Planetarium Trust, based in the Sir Patrick Moore Building, in the Chichester High Schools campus, Kingsham Road, Chichester.

Benefits of SDAS membership include:

• Monthly Meetings on the first Friday of every month at 7.30 pm.

• A Programme of Lectures on astronomical, space and allied subjects by visiting speakers, all experts in their particular fields.

• A free monthly Newsletter either via email or post.

• Technical Library based at the Planetarium, a large collection of books on astronomy, space exploration and related topics, is available for loan to members.

• Loan of Telescopes including mounts and eyepieces.

• Social Activities to gain practical knowledge from fellow astronomers.

•Visitors and prospective members - including complete beginners - are always welcome

•Membership costs less than £20 per year, and there is a reduced rate for concessions.



About Us

Committee Members

Meetings & Events

Astro Information Page

SDAS News Letter

Astronomy Links

Member's Photographs

Collimating a Newtonian telescope

Size of the Universe